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Lectures, Seminars, Workshops and Researches

PKPA actively promotes awareness about kidney diseases, such as:

  • We organize social events for patients and family of dialysis patients
  • We educate common people through leaflets, pamphlets, magazines and books.
  • We hold regular seminars, lectures and workshops for patients, family and staff of PKPA.
  • Patients and their families are commonly counseled about the renal disease and associated psychological issues.
  • Screening of psychological issues done on weekly basis.
  • Researches are carried out for the betterment of dialysis patients and their families.
  • Patients are also provided with nutritional guidance. Executive Committee and Advisory Council members contribute in preparing literature in this regard.
  • Published material is written in English and Urdu language and is distributed free of cost.
  • Assessing whether you are physically fit enough for a kidney dialysis
  • Help and advice if you choose not to have dialysis.
  • Provides free general medical services to outdoor patients.
  • Free transportation services are also provided to serious kidney patients.
  • We are run entirely on a voluntary basis for the benefit of renal patients


Monday through Saturday
Time slots for dialysis treatment:

07:30 hrs to 12:30 hrs and
13:30 hrs to 17:30 hrs